Crickets and katydids were not on the menu
A creationist perspective on obligate mutualism (as demonstrated by yuccas)
The herpetological enigma behind the Apostle Paul’s snakebite
Ethnobiology and other classification
Similarity and relatedness within baraminic lineages
Holobaramins, monobaramins, apobaramins, polybaramins?
Genetic adaptation in recent times (and how it differs from plasticity)
From paleontological puzzle to post-Flood boundary evidence
Understand the real issue: is Genesis 7:2 correct or incorrect?
Why no mammoths before the Flood? Does extinction only occur in the Flood?
Can lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards all appear before and after the Flood?
No, there were no rattlesnakes before the Flood.
Post-Flood diversification of the bear kind
An avian colonization of the Southern Hemisphere
Dugongs and manatees after the Flood
The diversification of scaly anteaters
Design and the False-Thumb
A key to diversification and dispersal after the Flood
The Eupleridae: Small carnivores of Madagascar
Slow Mammals, Rapid Diversification
Camel and Llama Biogeography
No, they are not actually antelopes
The Palaeophiidae and other post-Flood marine snakes
Giant sengis and soft-furred sengis
An Old World radiation that has left a single species
Monotremes before and after the Flood
Emus, kiwis, ostriches, and more
Adaptation to a filter-feeding specialist
From Monstersaurians to beaded lizards
A Post-Flood Adaptation in Echinoids
The Pedipalpi before and after the Flood
Looking at the lineage of great apes, excluding mankind
An early story arguing against chance regulating the natural world.
A conversation between a man and a spider.
Modern cynicism encounters the Creator.
Is chance always the best explanation?
Chesterton vs eugenics
Diversity in Nature showcases the glory of the Creator
John Ray rejects the Epicurean Hypothesis that random chance built the universe.